Saturday, January 17, 2009

Addition to Assignment #3

I had already listed my opinion on whats going to happen to Canada in 100 years. I would like to add some more to what I had previously said...

In 100 years, Canada is going to improve on helping it's population to stop suffering with illnesses. Our country will have stronger technology that will help Canadian doctors cure the unhealthy. Canada will have a low death rate and lead a healthy life style. I also believe that Canada will have a lower birth rate because, Canadians get the opportunity to go to school without having to pay money. Canadians will be able to get a job before starting a family. The last thing I would like to talk about is violence. I believe Canada will put a stop to violence that is started over drugs, politics, and money. In 100 years, the Canadian population will have better things to do then fight over things that can be stopped immediately.


Zaryab said...

Great post in my opinion and I feel you made the right choice to put this addition to your blog. I find it very true and constructive because it an action that can be made and a thought to be recognized. I enjoy reading your insight on violence of the future but in my opinion I predict there will be more violence because hate is emerging from different countries and cannot be stopped and later in the future will unleash on the world leaving sadness behind. For example the hate between the two different people of Israel and Palestine that have created an incident reflecting on the whole world.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey Fatema,
Great predictions on the future!I can see you put some real thought into this. Keep up your awesome bloggin!

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